99 Proposals in 99 Counties · Family Adventures

99 Counties-99 Proposals: Moment #3 in Muscatine County

Wilton, Iowa
The history of the Eastern Iowa sweet tooth can bet explained here in Wilton. That sign should sum up what this place is all about. Let’s add a sugary proposal to this historic ice cream parlor.

Wilton, IA: Muscatine County

There are many historic landmarks in Iowa and we want to see them all. A good way to make this happen is to pop the big question to the most important young lady in my life over and over again. In all of Iowa’s 99 counties! I’m on my third round and this time we’re in Muscatine County and I can’t think of a better place to sugarcoat this project even more than in the historic Wilton Candy Kitchen!

The late and long time owners of the Wilton Candy Kitchen were Mr. and Mrs Nopoulos and one trip here you can see just how much they loved each other. A true family business and it was here in small town Iowa where they chose to run it and raise their children at the same time. A soda jerk that served its community and the community supported it right back along with a stream of countless visitors and travelers.

Wilton, Iowa
Now there’s a smile that knows how to keep our family and many more coming back to Wilton!

It was sundae time on a beautiful Sunday in Wilton, Iowa. One butterscotch and another one with pineapple and plenty of pecans along with a marshmallow malt! I need to repeat that last sentence more often.

Those are some very happy new customers and that pretty much means we’re coming back and that’s and easy decision to make. Wilton Candy Kitchen is just a few miles off the Interstate-80 exit and well worth the extra stop if you’re traveling by. And this place is already getting ready for thousands of visitors on one day this summer. Wilton is a ride through town on the last day of RAGBRAI 2018 and the local ice cream parlor is getting ready!

We ate our ice cream and started to wander through the building. I grabbed a bg of the perfect candy to help me surprise my wife with another proposal. Our daughter Leah took the control of the phone and the moment was upon us.

A sweet gummy ring coated with crunchy sugar found its place on my wife’s finger and the rest is Wilton Candy Kitchen history. Another loving tribute to Monie, my very lovely and equally patient wife, at another Iowa landmark we’ll always remember. This was the headliner of our visit, but we weren’t done yet….

Wilton Candy Kitchen is not only an incredible old fashion and delicious ice cream parlor it’s also a time capsule that houses some precious artifacts, memorabilia, antiques and important history of the building and local area. This is a museum you can take your ice cream in!

We live 40 minutes from Wilton and we have finally made it to one of Iowa’s greatest treasures. Wilton is right in the middle of the Muscatine, Iowa City and Quad Cities metro areas and is an easy day trip for thousands of locals in these areas. Explore the town of Wilton, this year, and often. Your sweet side will love you for it. Mine does….I was talking about my wife. That was over the top and I don’t care.

Be sure to read about my other proposals in the counties of…..

Palo Alto


I love you, Monie!

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