Family Adventures · Museums and History · North Central Iowa · Roadside Iowa

A Beautiful Wrong Turn-A Park Frozen in Time

Just up the road from Clear Lake and not on the way to Mason City.

Fertile, IA: Worth County (Our 63rd County)

The GPS can be a great tool, but when you have no plans or reason to get home at a certain time than I highly suggest turning it off when gallivanting. We had a mission to give Mason City a look-see when we left the Buddy Holly Crash Site and headed down a gravel road without any plan to get there. And that’s just how we roll on The Iowa Gallivant. Our wandering took us to a beautiful Iowa treasure known as the town of Fertile and its amazing views from their William Rhodes Island Park.

The entrance to the park is located right on Main Street and it leads you to an unbelievably scenic discovery of the Winnebago River banks. And a park frozen in time that any history buff would enjoy.

Classic horseshoe pits with compact shelters protecting them. A giant circular stone, from the 1800’s, to sharpen blades planted into the park’s ground. A period cabin from North Iowa’s pioneer days. A historical stage that has seen countless musical acts, speeches, auctioneers and performances including one from the ladies of Team Goodvin. All four of them! Old school playground equipment that has been entertaining children for generations. And Fertile’s memorial to their fallen soldiers. All within the park’s grounds. A time capsule above ground and we haven’t even talked about one of Iowa’s most picturesque mills.

Your afternoon plans just got canceled.

This old mill is now renovated and is the centerpiece to Fertile’s scenery along with its conjoining dam along the Winnebago River. We stopped here and spent the better part of a Sunday afternoon along these historic river banks. We love learning about Iowa’s past and some of our favorite places to experience it is off the beaten path. William Rhodes Island Park is a destination we want to return to and to do nothing but think about the days of long ago and take in this beautiful river. That’s how you road trip on The Iowa Gallivant.


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